UNOH to Resume On Campus Classes in Fall

Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Like many colleges and universities around the country, the University of Northwestern Ohio transitioned from face-to-face, in person learning to a fully online environment following the guidelines and orders given by the Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Governor’s Office on March 10, 2020.  This online learning environment has continued through the remainder of the spring and will continue through the summer terms.

That being said, the University of Northwestern Ohio is fully committed to returning to a face-to-face learning environment including on-campus housing and student activities in a responsible, safe, physically-distanced manner beginning with August Session on August 24, 2020 for students in the College of Applied Technologies and Fall Quarter on September 14 for students in all other colleges.

Planning for this return to campus means UNOH will be taking the summer months to fully prepare every campus building, facility, and dorm to comply with any and all guidelines given by Allen County Public Health, the Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Governor’s Office, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  College campuses, including UNOH, pose unique challenges to physical distancing guidelines and University Administration will be doing everything possible to eliminate as much risk of exposure to our students, faculty, staff, and the greater Allen County community.

“The talent and dedication it took from faculty and staff to transition a fully in-person hands-on university to a 100% online environment was exponential,” UNOH President, Dr. Jeffrey Jarvis, said. “While we are committed to resume on-campus operations in the fall, our administration is prepared to make adjustments if restrictions on in-person learning are again passed down from local, state, and federal agencies.”

Additional measures will be taken to keep students, faculty, and staff as safe as possible.

  • All faculty and student lounges will be closed indefinitely.
  • University dining areas will be open with take-out service only. If restrictions allow, tables will be permitted to be used spaced at least 6-feet apart.
  • Events will be held outside or reconfigured for small-group experiences.
  • Face masks will be required for all faculty, staff, and students while inside any campus facility. In addition to masks, face shields will be required for various shop work in the College of Applied Technologies.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout every campus building.
  • Buildings will be regularly cleaned and disinfected with special attention paid to high-touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches, bathroom fixtures, shared tools, and lab equipment.
  • Physical distancing signage will be placed in all campus buildings with decals on all floors.
  • On campus housing will be arranged according to the public health guidelines with no more than 8 people per apartment-style dorm. Signage in each dorm will educate students on the proper ways to clean and disinfect their living space.

“It is of the utmost importance for students to return to campus in a safe and responsible way.  The college experience is not only about attending classes, but also about having that personal relationship with your professors and fellow students,” said Dr. Jarvis.  “We are helping thousands of students from around the country and world turn their passions into careers, and much of that can only be done in a face-to-face environment.”

As the summer continues, UNOH will be exploring all possible scenarios with guidance from federal, state, and Allen County Public Health officials that will emphasize safe and healthy operations with the understanding that the complete elimination of any risk is unlikely.  These solutions mean there could be adjustments made to the academic calendar, the physical work environment, and the course delivery options. Regardless of the steps taken in the coming weeks and months, the University is remaining steadfast in its commitment to bringing students back to campus, ready to take on their coursework in person this fall. 

For up-to-date information on decisions made by UNOH regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, visit

Category: Campus & Community

Keywords: Coronavirus, Classes, Face-to-Face

Press Contact

UNOH Public Relations

Last updated: 06/10/2020