Dean's List Announced for June Session 2021

Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2021


The University of Northwestern Ohio is proud to acknowledge its Dean’s List for the 2021 June Session for students in the College of Applied Technologies.  The following full‑time students received a grade point average of 3.5 or better:

AZ                              Chandler               Campbell, Kai  MacAulay  

CA                              Rancho Santa Margarita      Negrete, Gabriel  Adam  

CA                              Angwin                 Pina, William  Garrett  

CO                             Monte Vista           Hennigh, Byron    

CO                             Alamosa               Rodriguez, Josh  Hector  

CT                              Wilton                  Cresci, Joseph  M  

CT                              Wallingford           Gazlay, Brian  Sullivan  

CT                              Orange                 Moran, Thomas  Arthur  

CT                              Andover               St Pierre, Jeremy  I  

DE                              Laurel                  Truitt, Austin  Lee  

FL                               Davie                   Cowden, Michael  Patrick  

FL                               Naples                  Garafola, Anthony    

FL                               Apopka                 Horton, Keith  Douglas  

FL                               Monticello             Kervin, Thomas  Patrick  

FL                               Fruit Cove             Lahmann, Hunter    

FL                               Cutler Bay            Lopez, Jose  Angel  

FL                               Santa Rosa Beach Regacho, Anthony  Dominic  

FL                               Longwood             Scalero, Andrew  Jens  

FL                               Middleburg            Snodsmith, Tyler  James  

GA                             Forsyth                 Brooks, Trever  Ryan  

IA                              Batavia                Cupp, Robert  Erhard  

IA                              Saint Charles         Davidson, Tyler  Wesley  

IA                              Fertile                  Prescott, Logan  Joseph  

IL                               Bloomington          Bender, James  Elliott  

IL                               Lombard               Biddle, Matthew  P  

IL                               Saint Jacob           Byrd, Brian  A  

IL                               Arcola                  Coombe, Gavin  Wade  

IL                               North Aurora         Frueh, Dallas  Wade  

IL                               Atlamont              Stuemke, Dustyn  John  

IL                               Murphysboro         Tripp, Braden  Odell  

IL                               Bartlett                 Van Hoesen, Sean  William  

IL                               Byron                   Ward, Chase  M  

IN                              Amboy                 Bailey, Logan  Case  

IN                              Madison                Brumfield, Ben  Josiah  

IN                              Pennville               Corwin, Gavin  Michael  

IN                              Rochester             Crill, Austin  Anthony  

IN                              Hammond             Davenport, Gabriel  Prince  

IN                              Rushville              Dawson, Garrett  Ty  

IN                              Portland               Day, Nathanael  Michael  

IN                              Kokomo                DeGraaff, Keaton  Mitchell  

IN                              Butler                   Eck, Jordan  Anthony  

IN                              Decatur                Fairchild, Kris  Michael  

IN                              Ashley                  Fifer, Matthew  Dorsey  

IN                              Bluffton                Geisel, Matthew  Lee  

IN                              Granger                Gortney, Ty  Matthew  

IN                              Portland               Grayson, Kyle  A.  

IN                              Ferdinand             Greulich, Dylan  Joseph  

IN                              Peru                     Hahn, Nicklaus  Dalton  

IN                              Carmel                 Harenberg, Anna  Nicole  

IN                              Ft. Wayne             Higgins, Jonathan  M  

IN                              Avon                    James, Elinore  Katharine  

IN                              Demotte               Kessinger, Zachary  Michael  

IN                              Rosedale              Long, Cheyenne  D  

IN                              Evansville             Moog, Jacob  Dylan  

IN                              Royal Center         Nice, Justin  Dean  

IN                              Paoli                    Phillips, Ryan  Matthew  

IN                              Kentland               Polen, Wyatt  James  

IN                              Indianapolis          Pratt, Logan  Nathaniel  

IN                              Bourbon               Reichard, Russell  Steven  

IN                              Kewanna              Smith, Mark  S  

IN                              Geneva                Steiner, Jason  R  

IN                              Westport              Thompson, Braden  Paul  

IN                              Indianpolis            Wang, Lang    

IN                              Crothersville          Wesley, Josiah  Lee  

IN                              Portage                Willfond, Nolan  Michael  

IN                              Westport              Winchester, Jalen  Preston  

IN                              Valparaiso             Winquist, Dalton  Mathew  

KS                              Coffeyville             Harrison, Christopher  Michael  

KY                              Lexington             Leistensnider, Clayton  J  

KY                              Burlington             Parks, Spencer  Kane  

KY                              Georgetown          Sevits, Carson  Thomas  

MA                             Upton                   Martin, Jacob  Ryan  

MA                             Sterling                Meloche, Joshua  Gregory  

MA                             Walpole                Nagle, Daniel  Walker  

MA                             Leominster            Taylor, Lucas  Scott  

MA                             Milford                  Vartabedian, Seth  Martin  

MD                             Parkton                Aldana, Matthew  David  

MD                             Westminster          Barber, Nathan  Drew  

MD                             Charlotte Hall        DeLozier, Logan  Elliott  

MD                             Upper Marlboro      Dolvin, Grant  Tyler  

MD                             Huntingtown          Hagen, Hunter  Christopher  

MD                             Parkton                Hofmann, Michael  Preston  

MD                             New Windsor         Lawrence, Robert  Wesley  

MD                             Crisfield                Walterman, Derryk  James  

MD                             Salisbury              Willey, Donald  Trey  

ME                              Biddeford              Littlefield, Ethan  C  

ME                              Lyman                  Wakefield, Seth  Anthony  

MI                              Coloma                Alexander, Peter  Anthony  

MI                              Rockford               Barense, Gregory  Alan  

MI                              Dorr                     Bell, Dimitri  Michael  

MI                              Howell                  Bergin, Jayce  Alexander  

MI                              Kalamazoo            Betten, Caleb  Del  

MI                              Grand Blanc          Birchmeier, Mitchell  Anthony  

MI                              Southfield             Brinkley, Dayen  Yancie  

MI                              Belding                 Brown, Zachary  Alton  

MI                              Warren                 Burke, Ryan  Edward  

MI                              Battle Creek          Crandall, Zach  Frank  

MI                              Battle Creek          Curtiss, Gavin  Mykeal David  

MI                              Greenville             Cusack, Ross  Anthony  

MI                              Weidman              De Vos, Wannes  Albert Katrien  

MI                              Saint Johns           Dershem, Dakota  Lynn  

MI                              Zeeland                Driesenga, Benjamin  Lee  

MI                              Fremont               Dronchi, Joseph  Anthony  

MI                              Hartland               Dubs, Aaron  Joseph  

MI                              Linden                  Dumanois, Garrett  Michael  

MI                              Imlay City             Elkin, Benjamin  Thomas  

MI                              Waterford             Fouss, Shawn  Patrick  

MI                              Mount Pleasant      Franks, Atreyu  Meeko  

MI                              Grayling               Frederick, Christopher  William  

MI                              Ray                      Garcia, Nicolas  A  

MI                              Fenton                  Goldthwait, Liam  John  

MI                              Wayland               Guy, Robert  Gerald  

MI                              Monroe                 Hande, Colin  Stephen  

MI                              Sheridan               Hanna, Cole  Andrew  

MI                              Brooklyn               Henry, Samuel  Joseph  

MI                              Owosso                Horger, Martin  Charles  

MI                              Richmond             Hoskin, Maverick  Paul  

MI                              Allenton                Kasperski, Dustin  Robert  

MI                              Holly                    Kolanowski, Ethan  Thomas  

MI                              Corunna               Lloyd, Joseph  Jon  

MI                              Chesterfield           Mazur, Eric  Gregory  

MI                              Bloomfield Hills      McIsaac, Matthew  Knowles  

MI                              Alma                    Monk, Jarrett  George  

MI                              Sterling Heights     Morolli, Anthony  Alberto  

MI                              Adrian                  Moyer, Tyler  Jacob  

MI                              Jackson                Nichols, Bryce  Morgan  

MI                              South Lyon           Phipps, Jack  Thomas  

MI                              Woodland             Poortenga, Levi  Phillip  

MI                              Chesterfield           Rose, Tristan  Robert  

MI                              Armada                Sabatini, Cole  Michael  

MI                              Coldwater             Schlueter, Blake  Anthony  

MI                              Dorr                     Seinen, Matthew  Paul  

MI                              Lambertville          Stadniczuk, Ethan  John  

MI                              Corunna               Stickel, Briggs  William  

MI                              Kalamazoo            Taylor, Oliver  Howard  

MI                              South Lyon           Thomas, Stephen  John  

MI                              Palms                   Trigger, Travis  Wayne  

MI                              Buchanan             Turner, Kyle  Patrick  

MI                              Carleton               Uhring, Aaron  Raymond  

MI                              Lake Orion            Van Rooyen, Brandon  Luke  

MI                              Olivet                   Wells, Anthony  Parshall  

MI                              Blissfield               White, Joshua  Ryan  

MI                              Flint                     Williams, Jacob  R  

MI                              Sparta                  Wright, Jacob  Ryan  

MI                              Flint                     Zito, Zachary  John  

MI                              Bangor                 Zordan, Josh  M.  

MN                             Excelsior               Scatena, Vincent  Michael  

MN                             White Bear            Wilder, Jacob  Patrick  

MO                             Bolivar                 Brasher, Robert  Edward  

MO                             Sikeston               Lambert, Ryan  Andrew  

MO                             Wentzville             Mann, Jacob  M.  

NC                              Burlington             Brown, Chad  Carson  

NC                              Moyock                Cesil, Randy  Jett  

NC                              West End              Clowser, Michael  Anthony  

NC                              Waxhaw               Panek, Tyler  John  

NH                              Chester                Goudreault, Justin  P  

NH                              Tuftonboro            Horne, Ryan  Joseph  

NH                              Rumney               Morrell, Jackson  Kenneth  

NH                              Bedford                Tomkinson, Drake  Matthew  

NH                              Winchester            Worcester, Alex  Joshua  

NJ                              Hamilton               Carbone, Dominic  Charles  

NJ                              Brick                    Peto, Jake  S  

NM                             Taos                    Totman, Kyle  Palmer  

NY                              Poestenkill            Ballard, William  R  

NY                              Smallwood            Guzman, Nathan  Fabian  

NY                              Carthage              Maxwell, Jakob  E  

NY                              Poughkeepsie        Myers, Lee  Paul  IV

NY                              Canton                 Reed, Robert  Jason  

NY                              Endicott                Ryan, Patrick  Sean  

NY                              Yorkville               Trask, Tyler  Jay  

NY                              Albany                 Tunney, James  Robert  

NY                              Niagara Falls         Wagner, Adam  Jon  

NY                              Williamson            Woodworth, Dylan  Mitchell  

NY                              Irving                   Yochum, Chad  L.  

OH                             Chardon               Allender, Halie  Marie  

OH                             Medina                 Amsden, Jonathan  Anthony  

OH                             Continental           Backhaus, Rheese  Michael  

OH                             Spencerville          Bailey, Aaron  Austin  

OH                             New Weston          Barga, Noah  M  

OH                             Leesburg              Bartley, Kohler  Trenton  

OH                             Wellington            Beat, Christopher  Michael  

OH                             Creston                Beun, Tyler  Benjamin  

OH                             Leipsic                  Boldt, Patrick  Jacob  

OH                             Columbus             Bonnell, Grant  D.  

OH                             Elida                    Boomer, Jeffrey  J  

OH                             Deshler                Breece, Aidan  Edward  

OH                             Louisville              Brendle, Riley  Karl  

OH                             Medina                 Briggs, Whalter  Robert  

OH                             Wellston               Brown, Derek  B  

OH                             Marion                  Brown, Jacob  Arthur  

OH                             Fort Jennings         Bullock, Seth  Rey  

OH                             Baltimore              Burns, Derek  W  

OH                             Ottawa                 Carr, Reid  Freedom  

OH                             Nova                    Case, Chase  G  

OH                             Lima                    Cave, Matthew  Michael  

OH                             Shiloh                  Chandler, Garett  Michael  

OH                             Chillicothe             Chaney, Seth  Gabriel  

OH                             New Knoxville        Childress, Wyatt  Lee  

OH                             Marysville             Clark, Austin  Carroll  

OH                             Tiffin                    Confesor, Raphael  R  

OH                             Avon                    Cribbs, Justin  David  

OH                             Leesburg              Crothers, Spencer  David  

OH                             Wapakoneta          Cummins, Seth  Edward  

OH                             Lima                    Dennis, Derek  Jon  

OH                             North Ridgeville     DiFilippo, Dominic  Victor  

OH                             Union City             Dirksen, Cody  Michael  

OH                             Camden               Doty, Jacob  Thomas  

OH                             Sidney                 Drury, John  C  

OH                             Frazeysburg          Edgell, Dustin  Nevada  

OH                             Anna                    Egbert, Ryan  A  

OH                             Continental           Elkins, Dillon  Gregory  

OH                             Celina                  Etgen, Gage  Aldon  

OH                             Maria Stein           Evers, Thomas  Calvin  

OH                             Lima                    Ewing, Codey  Daniel  

OH                             Grand Rapids        Feather, Zane  Fredrick  

OH                             Crestline               Finnegan, Dylan  M.  

OH                             Findlay                 Frank, Keaton  William  

OH                             Parma                  Frate, Reno  Andrew  

OH                             Bryan                   Gendron, Anthony    

OH                             Fort Jennings         German, Nolan  J.  

OH                             Rockford               Gibson, Hunter  William  

OH                             Hamilton               Gill, Michael  L  

OH                             Springboro            Grant, Randall  Thomas  

OH                             Versailles              Grillot, Xavier  R  

OH                             Delaware              Harsh, Joseph  Daniel  

OH                             Columbus             Hawkins, Ryan  Scott  

OH                             Bellefontaine         Heath, Jaxon  Bruce  

OH                             Fairfield                Henkel, Wilhelm  VonEffah  

OH                             Celina                  Homan, Peyton  Lavern  

OH                             Killbuck                Hughes, John  Henry  

OH                             Carey                   Huston, Grant  Logan  

OH                             Oak Hill                Jenkins, Keyan  Edward  

OH                             Dresden               Jenkins, Spencer  Paul  

OH                             Northfield             Jones, William  Ian  

OH                             Huntsville             Judd, Paige  Levon  

OH                             Vickery                 Kennedy, Jackson  Tyler  

OH                             Westerville            Koren, Nicholas  Alan  

OH                             Jewett                  Ledger, Robert  Allen  

OH                             Tipp City               Legge, Justin  Otis  Jr.

OH                             Lyons                   Leininger, Jared  Michael  

OH                             Wapakoneta          Lenhart, Kyle  P.  

OH                             Forest                  Lonyo, Shawn  Thomas  

OH                             Ravenna               Luthy, Steven  Tyler  

OH                             Lima                    Lynden, Connor  M.  

OH                             Pataskala              Matheson, Christopher  Robert  

OH                             Batavia                McGraw, Jordan  K  

OH                             Bridgeport            Mehlman, Parker  Donald  

OH                             Parma                  Mendez, Cynthia  Eve  

OH                             Wadsworth            Merkle, Evan  Norman  

OH                             Jenera                  Miles, James  Steven John  

OH                             Hanoverton           Miller, Nathan  Joseph  

OH                             Mount Gilead         Miller, Steven  Ross  

OH                             Newcomerstown    Minet, Chase  James  

OH                             Valley City            Morlock, Joshua  David  

OH                             Rock Creek           Myers, James  Paul  

OH                             New Riegel            Nye, Anthony  Joseph  

OH                             Pepper Pike           Oh, Justin  Myungun  

OH                             Coldwater             Ontrop, Luke  Douglas  

OH                             Hilliard                 Orndorff, Daniel  Edward  

OH                             Lima                    Orr, Joshua  Glenn  

OH                             Richfield               Pelka, Nathanael  Lee  

OH                             Vermilion              Ponczocha, Matthew  Edward  

OH                             Versailles              Pothast, Kyle  John  

OH                             Alger                    Preston, Liam  Brooks  

OH                             Ashland                Riffle, Vincent  William  

OH                             Lima                    Ripley, Trent  Guy  

OH                             New Philadelphia    Rummell, Cedric  Dean  

OH                             Lancaster              Sabo, Zachary  Joseph  

OH                             Bluffton                Schick, Tyler  Wayne  

OH                             Beach City            Scholey, Rocco  Thurman Joe  

OH                             Wapakoneta          Schultz, Dylan  Wayne  

OH                             Bellville                Shepard, Auston  James  

OH                             Kenton                 Sheppard, Harvey  A  

OH                             Burkettsville          Siefring, Caleb  Michael  

OH                             Convoy                 Sinn, Sean  M  

OH                             Fairborn               Spahr, Christopher  Russell  

OH                             Dayton                 Stolfo, Jonathan  Casey  

OH                             Bellefontaine         Stonerock, Derek  Thomas  

OH                             Hebron                 Stout, Duncan  Gabriel  

OH                             Degraff                 Strayer, Daniel  Jay  

OH                             Van Wert              Stuckey, Sean  Evan  

OH                             Twinsburg             Switz, Alan  Joseph  

OH                             Continental           Taylor, Colton  Everett  

OH                             Dayton                 Trentine, Joshua  Scott  

OH                             Alvada                 Vela, Marcus  Lee  

OH                             Fort Jennings         Wannemacher, Conner  J  

OH                             Findlay                 Wininger, John  G  Jr.

OK                             Broken Arrow        Weaver, Ethan  Don  

OR                             Beaverton             Lukas, Brennan  Lyle  

OR                             Klamath Falls        Ruano, Xavier  Garcia  

OR                             Portland               Wesel, Ryan  Graham  

PA                              Lucerne Mines       Beck, Carter  Neil  

PA                              Paxinos                Brosious, Tyler  Adam  

PA                              Spring City            Cogar, Arik  Vaughn  

PA                              Muncy                  Cowfer, Charles  Raymond  

PA                              Peach Bottom        Dunn, Alexander  James  

PA                              Genesee               Erway, Clifton  Arnold  

PA                              Uniontown            Furajter, Gerald  Andrew  

PA                              Mertztown             Gambler, Cohen  S  

PA                              Jersey Shore         Garrett, Rachel  Elizabeth  

PA                              Fairless Hills          Harlan, Eric  W  

PA                              Clearville              Hedrick, Clay  W  

PA                              Waynesburg          Henkins, Dylan  Chad  

PA                              Prospect               Hinchberger, Ryan  Michael  

PA                              Freeport               Jones, Allen  Thomas  

PA                              Coopersburg         Kane, Hunter  Paige  

PA                              Mercer                 Kaster, Kyle  R  

PA                              Cochranton           Knierman, Ryder  James  

PA                              Pittsburgh             Kudrav, Alexander  Hansen  

PA                              Scranton              McCormack, James  John  

PA                              Holtwood              Miller, Dylan  Michael  

PA                              Bethel Park           Oczkowski, Ethan  C.  

PA                              Hermitage             Sanford, Allison  Marie  

PA                              Coatesville            Schubert, Christopher  Michael  

PA                              Genesee               Sprow, Ezra  James  

PA                              Milford                  Squires, Alexander  C.  

PA                              South Park            Wesolowski, Cameron  Eric  

PA                              Shirleysburg          Whitsel, Remington  Lakhota  

PR                              Cayey                  Soler, Fernando  A  

RI                              Coventry              Sena, Romulus  Nathaniel  

SC                              Lexington             Fultz, Cole  Michael  

SC                              Columbia              Philpott, Tyler  Michael  

TN                              Cornersville           Adams, Hunter  Michael  

TN                              Crossville              Gates, Joseph  Alvin  II

TN                              Lebanon               Maza-Lara, Bryan  Alberto  

TN                              Dickson                Robbins, William  Luke  

TN                              White Bluff            Spencer, Garret  Benjamin  

TN                              Georgetown          Townsend, Tyra  A.  

TX                              Sweetwater           Andrus, Blake  Aaron  

VA                              Warrenton            Barney, Gerald  MacGuire  

VA                              Richmond             Friedman, Justin  Jacob  

VA                              Maidens                Lafoon, Tyler  Austin  

VA                              Dumfries              Mansour, Majd    

VA                              Chester                Monterroso, Ivan  Jose  

VA                              Blackstone            Owens, Dennis  Harwell  III

VA                              Moneta                 Perdue, Jacob  Ryan  

VA                              Goode                  Shannon, Logan  Thomas  

VA                              Louisa                  Stepien, Casey  Lee  

VA                              Grundy                 Taye, Misgana  Belay  

VA                              Bedford                Witt, Joel  David  

VA                              Winchester            Wright, Luke  Aaron  

VT                              Bennington           Babson, Carson  Andrew  

VT                              Shoreham             Beinhaur, Colby  Sean  

VT                              North Bennington   Buell, Mason  Lewis  

VT                              Vergennes            Clark, Holden  Larocque  

VT                              Ripton                  Durante, Tristan  K.  

VT                              South Burlington    Fenwick, Kyle  Edward  

VT                              Swanton               Fresn, Camden  Jacob  

VT                              Benson                 Kidder, Ethan  Barnett  

WI                              Kiel                      Buckman, Brian  M  

WI                              Colfax                  Hill, Cole  Donald  

WI                              Elkhorn                Jacobson, Noah  William  

WI                              De Pere                Janitch, Gabriel  Dan  

WI                              Kenosha               Pontillo, Anthony  Tyler  

WI                              Hartland               Prox, Ryan  James  

WI                              Three Lakes          Slizewski, Ashtin  James  

WV                             Summersville        Billups, Jarrod  Isaac  

WV                             Nitro                    Brisendine, Kenneth  Bryan  

WV                             Culloden               Craig, Tyler    

WV                             Wheeling              Klages, Brody  Paul  

WV                             Point Pleasant        Peterson, Collin  Taylor  

WY                             Cheyenne             Byers, Darren  Charles  


CANADA                                                 Giroux, Randy  George  

CANADA                                                 Hucal, Andrew  Ivan  

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Keywords: Dean's List

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Last updated: 08/26/2021