UNOH Pays off Past Due Balances of Nearly 400 Students

Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2021


The University of Northwestern Ohio used a portion of funds received from the federal government under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) to clear $626,792.17 worth of student debt from 348 current and former students who attended UNOH during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to the debt owed to UNOH, the University also offered three rounds of grant payments to students who met certain eligibility criteria during the same time period.  In the summer of 2020, students could apply for and receive a $1,000 grant.  Then, the following year, students had an opportunity to apply for and receive up to $2,100 in grant funds.  Finally, this past fall, eligible students were awarded up to $4,000 in grant funds. 

These efforts, all funded by HEERF money, gave many students the clean slate they need to continue their education towards obtaining a degree from UNOH.

“Being able to apply some of the funds the University received from the federal government allowed us to help financially struggling students stay enrolled, receive their degree or diploma, and enter the workforce,” said University President Dr. Jeffrey A. Jarvis. “The pandemic has been, and continues to be, a difficult time for everyone.  If clearing these debts and awarding eligible students grant money to pay their bills and tuition makes this trying time a bit easier, we were more than happy to assist where we could.”

The past due payoff was a one-time assistance payment and only applied to debt owed to the University.  It did not cover loans owed to outside lenders.

Category: Campus & Community

Keywords: COVID, HEERF

Press Contact

UNOH Public Relations

Last updated: 11/17/2021