UNOH Students Win Jessi Combs Scholarships

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022


JCF Scholarship Winners, from L to R, Josephine Schmucker and Kirsten Williams

The Jessi Combs Foundation (JCF) announced the recipients of The Jessi Combs Foundation Scholarship program for 2022. In total, Eight scholarships were awarded totaling $40,000.  Two of the scholarships were awarded to UNOH students:

  • Josephine Schmucker – Automotive/High Performance Motorsports Technology Associate Degree
  • Kirsten Williams – Diesel Technology Associate Degree

"I am beyond grateful and honored to be awarded the JCF scholarship! Thank you to The Jessi Combs Foundation for making this opportunity possible for me to pursue my dreams and I am thrilled to start my education and career in the automotive industry! I am determined to make Jessi and the foundation proud and encourage other women in the trades!" said Josephine Schmucker.

Jessi was driven to succeed while lifting people up, particularly women, throughout her career. The JCF scholarship selection committee recognized similar characteristics in these women and are excited to see them succeed while carrying Jessi’s legacy forward. It is with the support of partners like @warnindustries , countless small businesses, and a legion of individuals that believed in Jessi and her mission that make it possible for the program continue to grow year after year.

“August 27th marks the day that Jessi gave everything in pursuit of her passion. It’s now the day that we, as the foundation in her name, give to other passionate, hardworking women in pursuit of their dreams. It’s an incredibly meaningful gesture for us. One that was at the core of who Jessi was, and one that we as the Foundation will continue ongoing.” Said Graham Suorsa, Board Member and close friend of Jessi.

Category: Campus & Community, Applied Technologies

Keywords: Scholarship, Jessi Combs Foundation

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UNOH Public Relations

Last updated: 08/30/2022